Colposcopy Courses was established by Professor Albert Singer and his team of highly experienced clinicians to enable medical and nursing practitioners with an interest in colposcopy, to access world class training through online learning.
Professor Singer has run colposcopy teaching courses since 1982, training more than 3000 professionals through courses held at the Whittington and University College Hospitals in central London. Over the last 5 years, Colposcopy Courses has also run regular seminars in China, India, Dubai, Japan and many European countries.
The Colposcopy Course Online is an e-learning programme developed by Professor Singer with specific modules presented by leading experts in their field.
It enables medical professionals worldwide access to Professor Singer’s extensive knowledge and expertise and is perfect for those who prefer the convenience and flexibility of studying at home or in the office in their own time.
The online course incorporates the latest online learning techniques with high quality graphics, animated slides, explanatory audio and self-assessment.
The Basic course is accredited by the BCSSP for training purposes and can be completed instead of attending a Basic seminar course. It has also been approved for colposcopy training by the EFC (European Federation for Colposcopy) and accredited by the Norwegian Medical Association.
The Advanced course builds upon the Basic course and explores in further detail the management of cervical and lower genital tract neoplasia.

Professor Albert Singer
Professor Emeritus of Gynaecological Research University of London
Professor Singer is globally recognised as a pioneer of colposcopy in the UK. He is Professor Emeritus at UCL and holds Honorary Consultant appointments at University College Hospital and the Whittington Hospital in London. He has been training colposcopists worldwide since 1976 and established Colposcopy Courses in 2014.
Professor Singer has headed up research teams at both his NHS hospitals. His main areas of research are the origins, detection and treatment of cervical and lower genital tract pre cancer, with special interest in HPV. He has authored many papers and books including the authoritative ‘The Cervix‘ with Mr Joe Jordan and ‘Cervical and Lower Genital Tract Precancer‘ with Mr John Monaghan.
Professor Singer is co-founder and trustee for the British Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology and a founding member of the British Gynaecological Cancer Society. He holds a senior visiting research fellowship at the National Institute for Clinical Research in London. Professor Singer is known for his vision, research and experience and is often a reference point, in his private practice, for a second opinion in complex cases.
Colposcopy Courses features regular specialist contributors who are all highly experienced clinicians and experts in their fields.
Professor John Doorbar
Dr Doorbar is a leading virologist and Director of Research in the Department of Pathology at Cambridge University. He specialises in HPV related research including the biology and life cycle of HPV infections and is a world recognised authority in this field.
He is well known for his straight forward explanations of complex and difficult concepts. He was previously at the National Institute for Medical Research where he headed up the Papillomavirus Research Group.
Dr Rupali Arora
Dr Arora is a Consultant Histopathologist and is the lead Gynae-Oncology pathologist at UCLH. She trains medical professionals and students in histopathology and assesses trainees at the London Deanery’s Specialty School of Pathology.
Dr Arora is a member of the Pathology Sub-Committee of UCL and is also part of the London Quality Assurance Team for Cervical Screening.
Professor Jacob Bornstein
In addition to his post at the Galilee Medical Center, Professor Bornstein is Associate Dean at the Bar-Ilan University, Faculty of Medicine. He is a specialist in Lower Genital Tract Disease and Molecular Virology, studying extensively in Baylor College of Medicine, Texas, and the Royal Hospital for Women, Sydney, Australia.
Professor Bornstein has been the President of the International Society for the Study of Vulvovaginal Disease (2011-13) and was Chairman of the IFCPC Nomenclature Committee which was the first to establish a comprehensive terminology of the total lower genital tract. Professor Bornstein is widely published and sits on the Editorial Board of several American, European and Israeli scientific journals.
Professor Suzanne Garland
Professor Suzanne Garland is an internationally recognised clinical microbiologist and sexual health physician, with particular expertise in infectious diseases as they pertain to reproductive health and the neonate.
She pioneered the role of patient self-collected genital sampling in the detection by molecular techniques of reproductive tract infections, and has been involved with the role of HPV in cancers, precursor lesions, phase 3 clinical trials and more recently, vaccine effectiveness studies. Professor Garland was integral to the founding of AOGIN, and is a past president.
Professor Joel Palefsky
Professor Palefsky is founder and chair of the HPV Working Group of the NCI AIDS Malignancy Consortium, and also founder and director of the Anal Neoplasia Clinic, Research and Education Center at UCSF. He oversees training of clinicians from across the world in high-resolution anoscopy and anal biopsy.
In addition to managing an active research programme in India, Costa Rica and Thailand, Professor Palefsky has published in excess of 275 papers. He is currently president of the International Papillomavirus Society and is the founder and past president of the International Anal Neoplasia Society.
Dr Bin Yang
Dr Yang has focused his research interests in the application of advanced molecular techniques for early detection of cancer cells in cytological materials, and using these same techniques in the prediction of chemosensitivity in gynaecological cancers.
Specifically, his work has identified interesting biomarkers differentially methylated in different dysplastic stages of cervical cancer. Dr Yang is a sought after speaker at international conferences, and was President of the Chinese American Pathologist Association.
Professor Tay Sun Kwie
Professor Tay is a Senior Consultant in Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Chief, Section of Gynecologic Oncology at Singapore General Hospital. He is also a visiting consultant to the National Cancer Centre Singapore and Gynecologic Oncologic, SGH Specialist Practice at Gleneagles Hospital.
In addition to being Adjunct Professor, Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School, Professor Tay is also a member of the International Society of Gynecologic Cancers. Professor Tay received subspecialty training in colposcopy and laser treatment of pre-invasive disease of the cervix while working with Professor Albert Singer from 1982 to 1987. He has also acquired extensive experience in the surgery and chemotherapy of women’s cancers using minimally invasive treatment, and has a particular interest in endometriosis.
Professor Emmanuel Diakomanolis
Emmanuel Diakomanolis is Emeritus Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Athens University Medical School. He was Head of the Department of Oncology and Cervical Pathology at the 1st University Clinic in Alexandra Hospital. He is a founding member, executive board member and President of several Scientific Societies at National level including the Hellenic Society of Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology.
He is also a founding member of the European Federation for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology (EFC) and President of the Society for the years 2003 – 2006. He is published in international peer reviewed journals and has participated in many international meetings, presenting papers, as president of scientific sessions and as an invited speaker. He is currently President of the Scientific Committee at IASO hospital, Athens.
Mr. Narendra Pisal
Mr Pisal is a Consultant Gynaecologist at the Whittington Hospital in London and also practices privately. He is recognised as a leading expert in the management of the abnormal smear and laporoscopy (key-hole) surgery and has published extensively on cervical pre cancer topics.
He is a highly experienced colposcopist and is currently the lead tutor for Colposcopy at the Whittington Hospital. He travels extensively with Professor Singer conducting courses worldwide and is a co-contributor to the online colposcopy course. Mr Pisal is a Member of the Council of The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG).