90% effective: the HPV vaccine and next steps

90% effective: the HPV vaccine and next steps

The fantastic Lancet publication of the effectiveness of the HPV vaccine in reducing the rate of cervical cancer and precancer by 90% marks a milestone in a 4 decade fight that many of us have been and are involved in against this disease. Unfortunately it stills...
The clear case for self-collection in cervical cancer screening

The clear case for self-collection in cervical cancer screening

The number of cervical screening appointments cancelled or unattended in the UK during the pandemic is staggering. The Eve Appeal and Jo’s Cancer Trust have done a great job raising awareness of the importance of screening and trying to help address the underlying...
The fight against cervical cancer and HPV in the Pandemic

The fight against cervical cancer and HPV in the Pandemic

Professor Albert Singer With the present pandemic it is said that life will never be the same again, and this will apply to many things in our present life.  For those concerned with eliminating cervical cancer, the effect of resources being diverted to the COVID-19...
There are urgent problems with HPV vaccination and screening

There are urgent problems with HPV vaccination and screening

By Professor Albert Singer   In my last blog I discussed the possibility of cervical cancer becoming a rare disease in certain countries. Part of this remarkable happening has been the introduction of the HPV vaccine, in certain countries up to 80% of the...
A future where cervical cancer is a rare disease – for some…

A future where cervical cancer is a rare disease – for some…

By Professor Albert Singer   One of the things which delights me most about having specialised in cervical cancer for more than 50 years is the prospect of it becoming a rare disease.  After decades spent treating and counselling women whose lives and families...